Thursday, December 17, 2015


I had the chance to create a screencast, talking about how to use the application iMovie Maker. I had a lot of fun making the screencast, but it was very awkward talking to myself and the camera. How do people do it? I had trouble finding my words without trying to trip over them. I explained how to add and drop pictures, videos, and music along with cropping pictures and silencing the videos you did not want to hear while the music was playing.

The hardest part of doing the screencast was talking and trying to talk without saying "like" and "uh" over and over again. I think I did the video five times until I felt I did well enough on one that I could post it for class. I think I might try some more screencasts in the future, but with a little more practice of what I want to say. I suggest you guys should try doing the same, because it is so much fun when you see everything come together.

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