Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Change of title to the blog.

Hey guys! As you can see, I have changed the title of the blog. I will be posting petitions on here and also might be sharing some videos of me and some of my friends working at a Haunted Isle I volunteer at (we raise money for a museum and for animals). I want to help make a change for animals and if you feel the same, feel free to join in! On that matter, here is the first petition: Tell South African Airways to stop shipping slaughtered wildlife trophies.

 Animals in Africa are being hunted and killed and then the hunters take home their "trophies" on the Airlines, that allow them to bring them aboard as luggage, decorate their homes. Let's help change this matter! 

1 comment:

  1. This will be a fantastic pathway for this class. Exploring how one can use technology to fight for justice issues we believe in is a great way to approach this class. You could design your own advocacy site as part of the class.
