Monday, October 5, 2015

My Response to Big Thinkers

I find it interesting that a game was created for children/students to learn about the world and how the world works The game is called Quest Atlantis. I think this game helps others because it helps them improve their thinking process and helps them figure out the problem in the game. I believe this game gives them confidence on their skills and makes them feel like heroes. They are giving the chance to feel like scientists when solving or investigating the conflicts. Students are able to show themselves on the social media and show to the world what they can do. Students and teachers have limited times with one another in the classroom. The teacher can create a separate environment for the students so they can learn more through the resources/information the teacher shares. Sasha Barab created this game to give the students a chance to chose or create their own paths in their education and goals. By playing the game, they can try being something they wanted to be or what they thought they could never be.

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