Thursday, October 22, 2015

Petition #4

In this blog, I will be sharing a topic that has been very important to me and I hope you may feel the same way as well. Pit bulls have been labeled as vicious and dangerous dogs, leading up to them being euthanized or people being cruel to them. There are many petitions where Pit bull lovers are trying to save these poor animals and to stop the discrimination between them and other dogs. There are other dogs who are being discriminated against like the Pit bulls, which affects me greatly because I have been able to meet a few pit bulls and they are very sweet.

All the stories that led up to this problem are, what I think, wrong and not fully detailed. Pit bulls or any dog/animal for that matter don't grow up to be vicious dogs. I believe that the owners of the dogs in these stories lead up to them becoming violent because of the way they treat them. These dogs are very sweet and should not be judged just from the stories.

If you are like me and want to change this discrimination between Pit bulls and other dogs in this situation, then you should join me in signing some of the petitions listed below and also go out there and find a way to find a solution:

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